Optimism and pessimism are related to different components of the stress response in healthy older people. Puig-Perez S, Villada C, Pulopulos MM, Almela M, Hidalgo V, Salvador A. Being an optimist or a pessimist and its relationship with morning cortisol release and past life review in healthy older people. Puig-Perez S, Pulopulos MM, Hidalgo V, Salvador A. Dimensions of negative thinking and the relations with symptoms of depression and anxiety in children and adolescents. Gender differences in rumination: A meta-analysis. Forecasting life satisfaction across adulthood: Benefits of seeing a dark future? Psychol Aging. Optimism and pessimism in social context: An interpersonal perspective on resilience and risk. Smith TW, Ruiz JM, Cundiff JM, Baron KG, Nealey-Moore JB. Pessimism is associated with greater all-cause and cardiovascular mortality, but optimism is not protective. Whitfield JB, Zhu G, Landers JG, Martin NG. Causes of individual differences in adolescent optimism: a study of Dutch twins and their siblings. One study showed that in older people, pessimism was correlated with higher stress levels, more focus on the less positive parts of their life, and a greater tendency to look back on life with more negativity in general, reducing life satisfaction. Pessimists tend to have greater stress and fewer coping skills.A negative outlook is associated with a number of other heightened health risks, such as heart disease and overall mortality.

Pessimism contributes to negative health effects.Likewise, low mood, negative thoughts, low self-esteem, and worry are not only characteristics of pessimistic thinkers, but also factors in depression. Key symptoms of anxiety disorders are excessive worry, rumination, and worst-case scenario thinking. Overly negative thinking contributes to depression and anxiety.Rumination and brooding are both components of pessimistic thinking. Studies suggest that women may have higher rates of depression because they have higher rates of rumination, brooding, and reflection. Dwelling on negative thoughts is bad for well-being.